Thursday, December 4, 2008

Joyas ` la Carte...

Marta, Marta Miguel, Montserrat and Alicia...

Montserrat Lacomba cots

Miriam Camarillas and Montserrat...

Michael Berger

Santiago Cotarelo

Noemi Foguet and Marta Sanchesz

My drawings to get everything in order...

Joyas ` la Carte

Here is some photos from the Joyas ` la Carte in Barcelona last weekend, I got them from my dearly friend Montserrat and it’s her friend Alicia Santamaría who has taken the photos.

It’s so nice and I’m so grateful when I get up date about what’s happen in my fields around the world!

I can always look at the photos and dream me away for a second or two wish I have the time and the opportunity to be there…

It’s a small jewellery world we living in and that are good I think, it could only grow… Montserrat met my friend Marta Miguel from Barcelona at the exhibition, so now two of my friends in Spain have met… I don’t know the other artist at the photos, but I hope we will meet some day, it’s always nice to say hallo to colleges and see what there are working with.

By e-mail from Montserrat;

Dear Paula!
Of course you can add some photos in your blog, but please only remember that was my friend Alicia Santamaría who has taken them.



masaoms said...

Great post Paula!!! I hope we can meet someday!!

paula lindblom said...

Hi Marta!

It would be nice to meet you someday, absolutly!
I think we will meet...

Have a nice day and keep up the good work!

With love and thoughts Paula.

Unknown said...

Hi Paula, thanks for all

Ei Marta do you see Paula draw, i love it, so cute and so high.

Love meet Montserrat and Alicia too.
Good girls , and good work and talents too.

Hugs Marta

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula!
It was a really nice day! I'd like that the next time you join us!
With love,

paula lindblom said...

This is so grateful and funny at the same time!
Just now it felt like I was a part of this, because of all your goodness!

I look forward to be a part of your "group" next time!

Have a great weekend and enjoy life!

With love and thought to you all!