Thursday, May 14, 2009

the art duo Blue Noses...

The artist duo Blue noses forbidden photomontage with Pusjkin, Kristus and Putin.

I found this photomontage and this “funny” artist duo from Russia when I was looking at the art magazine Palettens website,
I look for the blue noses at the internet and I have to say that I was some really funny art that you can see that the two has done, I like the blue noses, made out of plastic cans caps.

I know that behind this “funny” surface it’s a deeper comment to our world and society, but that I hope you all understand any way?!

For me personally this is more or less “just” a picture, I don’t have any strong connections to these guys at the photomontage, but IF you have this will be a strong and may be also a little bite hard image.

For me it’s just a way of using an “old” photo and adds some well known persons in it, no deeper thoughts from my side of the word.

Here you can see how they use Absolut for doing art…
Absolut Blue Noses…

When I’m thinking about it, is it possible that an image can be just an image?!
I’m not really sure about that, if it has some kind of message; it also gets in a context of some kind of meaning…
If the image show a ”nice” surface, a pattern, a good looking graphics just to do our world a little bite more beautiful and fill it up with nice feelings, something to rest our eyes and brains at… that will be “just” an image, an illustration with no deeper thoughts more than “just” to please the viewer.

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